About us –

Exile e.V.

Exile Newsletter

Regionaler Rundbrief

About us

Exile Kulturkoordination e.V. was founded in 1982 with the aim of using art and culture to make unheard voices audible and thus enable a change of perspective and understanding for the diversity of society in a globalised world.

Exile has been the supporting organisation of the promoter programme since 1996. Currently both for the regional promoter office Westliches Ruhrgebiet/Rechter Niederrhein and for the specialist promoter Cultural Diversity and Development.

The topics on which the promoters work include global learning, fair trade, diaspora, migration and development, international cooperation, environment, climate and development, participation and democracy, developmental cultural, educational and public relations work. They support, inform, motivate, advise and network committed local citizens, institutions and initiatives for a joint commitment to sustainable development.

You can find more about the promoter programme here.

Digitally explore the traces of colonial past and soon also discover the work of African organisations on the World Development Goals on an interactive map.

With our current and emerging projects ‘essen.colonialtracks’ and ‘Perspektive(n) Afrikas’, funded by Engagement Global and the Foundation Environment and Development North Rhine-Westphalia, we would like to offer a change of perspective on colonialism and work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Southern Africa.

Our event series and other educational offers additionally aim to stimulate discourses on cultural diversity and sustainability and have increasingly been offered in digital form since 2020. Our work can also be followed on our social media channels.
