essen.colonialtracks –
Colonial past of the city Essen
Zur Projektseite
essen.colonialtracks shows how strongly our current economic and cultural structures are linked to the colonial history of Germany and Europe. With the help of the web app, users can explore Essen in (post)colonial ways. Here, the visitors come to places that illuminate different aspects of colonial history, which have left economically, structurally, socially and culturally relevant traces in Essen to this day. Regular city walks invite visitors to critically engage with the colonial past of the city of Essen and its colonial structures at six selected stations.
Educational materials for the classroom as well as a “city rally mode” make this city tour attractive for school classes and youth groups as well. Accompanied group rallies can be booked through Exile e.V. Together with pupils and young people, we will go on a search for traces through the city of Essen with many exciting questions and tasks on the topic of colonialism and racism.

Audiowalk App
Erkunden Sie die kolonialen Spuren in Essen individuell und selbständig mit Hilfe der Audiowalk App Die Audioerzählungen der kostenlosen Web App beleuchten an sechs ausgewählten Stationen in Essen die kolonialgeschichtlichen Aspekte dieser Orte und verdeutlichen ihre Nachwirkungen bis heute.
City Walks ‘Traces of Colonialism in Essen
The current debates about racism and Germany’s colonial heritage show how important it is to deal with Germany’s colonial history. Surprisingly, diverse colonial traces can also be found in Essen. The free city tours invite you to take a critical look at Essen’s colonial past and its colonial structures. Here you can find all current events.

An offer for schools and educational institutions: The teaching material developed by Exile e.V. on the topic of colonialism and postcolonialism.
Only available in German.
Image: ©Checkdesign